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Download Photos From Google Drive To Ipad

budesliavac1987 2021. 2. 23. 05:39

Is there any way to automatically download or sync all photos backed up from my phone to Google+ to my Mac?

I know there is an upload tool, but I want the reverse.

See photos and videos from Google Photos in Google Drive. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Drive app. In the top left, tap Menu Settings. Tap Photos turn on Google Photos folder. What happens when you change or delete a photo. If you edit photos in Google Photos, changes won’t show in Google Drive.

Download photos from google drive to ipad

Can they be viewed from Picasa somehow?


7 Answers

You can automatically download your photos from Google Photos (I believe Google+ photos end up there, correct me if I'm wrong) fairly easily. It requires a few different steps to get it set up though. Once it's setup, the sync is done for you.

  1. First you have to install the Google Photos Uploader for OS X.
  2. Next you have to install the Google Drive sync app to sync your Google Drive on your Mac.
  3. Next open Google Photos via your browser and go to settings. From within settings, enable the Google Drive option.
  4. Open Google Drive from your browser and select the Google Photos option. Ensure the settings pane for Google Photos on Google Drive has the Create Google Photos folder enabled.
  5. Lastly, ensure the newly created Google Photos folder in your Google Drive is selected on your Mac's Google Drive settings for sync.

At this point, your photos will sync from your mobile device and desktop to Google Photos, be linked to Google Drive, and sync back down to your desktop for you to pull in to what ever app you want.

Https www dropbox com download mac. Note, as pointed out by @Jer, this will count against your Google Drive storage whereas if you just stored them in Google Photos, you can make use of the unlimited storage. I pay $10 a mo/ for 1TB of Google Drive storage and this works great. I organize all my photos into subdirectories, tag them and manage them via Adobe Lightroom, with Google Drive automatically syncing them to Google Photos on my phone. It also lets me easily select a folder I've organized via Lightroom and share it with other people via Google Drive, instead of having to build out albums and share via Photos.

Johnathon SullingerJohnathon Sullinger

You can download all Google+ photos in one go using Google Takeout.

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The solution by Johnathon Sullinger has caused photos to sync using Google Drive, which counts towards your 15GB limit. Ended up having to delete and re-upload using photos. So sync cannot work both ways without counting towards drive storage limits as far as I can tell.

Google Docs

Also, at this point in time, Google Photos only end up there if you give permissions from both accounts, which you wouldn't want unless you're only uploading from Google Photos.


Here are the facts. it IS bi-directional, and it does NOT count against your Google Drive storage if you are syncing to/from Google Photos and not simply uploading photos into a random folder.

Download Photos From Google Drive To Ipad

If I take a picture on my camera, it automatically uploads to Google photos once I'm on wifi. It automatically shows up in my 'Google Photos' folder on Drive, AND it shows in my offline Google Drive's 'Google Photos' folder on my Mac.

If I drag a photo into my offline Google Drive 'Google Photos' folder on my Mac, it automatically uploads to sync with my Google Drive 'Google Photos' folder in the cloud, and it shows up in Google Photos online.

And my Google Drive shows that I've used '5.2 GB of 15 GB' allotted storage, but my Google Photos folder contains about 86GB (yes, eighty-six).

If you set it up right, this is how it works.

Bill DavisBill Davis

I just did this:

FIRST, create a folder on your desktop and name it (mine is 'G+ Pix'). You will need this folder for step #5. Wineskin app mac download.

1) Open Google+ Photos to see your list of pix. Select the group of pictures you want to export by clicking on the check mark in the upper left hand corner of the pic. Using the 'shift' key on your keyboard helps you do multiple selections at one time. These pix will remain in G+, because you are downloading copies of the pix. I selected by date in order to keep the download times manageable. It was easier to keep track of what I had selected, also. I had 900 pix to move!!!

2) Select the download button found with an underscored arrow at top right of the Google+ menu bar.

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3) You will see this group of photos being downloaded as 'Photos.zip' in your download menu at the top right of your MAC screen.

4) When download is complete, the file will read 'Photos' with a blue folder to the left of it. This downloading process can take awhile, depending on the number of pix you export and the level of picture quality you determined when sending pix to G+, initially.

5) Double-click this file and your pix will appear in list form. Highlight this entire list by using the 'shift' key on your keyboard for multiple selections, and move the list to your designated folder on your desktop. From this desktop folder, you can now manipulate them as your please.

Multiple Selection Tip

Download ibm spss statistics 24 mac. Select first picture

Hold down 'Shift' key as you selected last picture.

All items should now be blue and will transfer as one group by holding down the curser on the list as you slide them to the desktop folder.

Anyway, this worked perfectly for me. You have to play the game, man! Ugh!

Download Photos From Google Drive To Ipad Pro


Google has purposely blocked this by not releasing bio direction sync on any platform even the phones wont sync downloads they just show up in the viewer and you have to select them to download a copy to your phone. Google photos is for auto upload only not auto download. Until people demand this service and another vendor provides it google will never allow it.

The other solution is to install a android emulator, install google photos and click on the photos you want to download. Not sure if a emu exists on the mac tho.


Google+ Auto Backup for MAC. I have been running it on my MAC with current OS and it works well.

Art of FITZArt of FITZ

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Many iPhone users have wrestled with storage limits, especially when it comes to managing the device's camera roll. Apart from deleting old pics and purchasing a paid iCloud subscription, there's another option for alleviating storage woes: using Google Photos for iOS.

Below, we provide instructions for backing up all of the photos on your phone to Google Drive via the Google Photos for iOS app, so you can delete them from your phone (and the iCloud) as needed.

The Google Photos for iOS app is free. Download and install the app on your iPhone or iPad. When you launch it for the first time, you'll be asked to sign into your Google account.

If you've used any other Google services, including Gmail, use the same credentials. If you have more than one Google account, choose carefully. Make sure you're selecting the account you want to associate your photo library with for the long term.

Next, you'll encounter the Back up & sync screen. Here, you'll set your preferences for how the photos saved on your device should be uploaded to the Google Drive cloud. The app walks you through the steps.

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Here, switch the 'Back up & sync' toggle to the blue on position. Whether you wish to enable cellular data for this sync and future syncing is up to you, but we recommend leaving it off (assuming you have access to a Wi-Fi network) so you don't inadvertently put a strain on your data plan. You can always change this and other settings later. Hit Continue.

The next screen asks you to confirm upload size. Here, you should choose 'High Quality' for two reasons. One, photos uploaded at this size do not count against the 15 GB of free Google Drive storage associated with your Google Account. Two, it won't affect the quality of the photos you've taken on your iPhone: The high quality option compresses photos to a 16 MP maximum, but at this point, all iPhones already take photos at 16 MP or smaller.

Once you hit continue, the back up & sync process begins (presuming you are on a Wi-Fi network or using cellular data). The more photos you have, the longer this automated process will take, so don't be worried if it takes a while to finish up.

Once you're finished, it's time to familiarize yourself with the Google Photos interface. When you open the app again, you'll have access to your photo and video content through three tabs: Assistant, Photos and Albums.

https://scintensive748.weebly.com/blog/crack-for-izotope-rx. Under Photos and Albums, you can peruse and organize your content. In addition, the Assistant screen has a few organizational shortcuts (Create Album, Collage, Animation, Movie, etc.) for easy searching, sharing and editing. Below, you'll see a feed of auto-created content that Google Photos generated from your photos and videos. You may see animations, edited photos, collages and more.

To access your photos from a computer, just navigate to Google Photos in your browser and sign into your account. There, you can see your content and an expanded version of the mobile interface anytime, anywhere. You can also download or share photos as needed.

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Once you're satisfied that your iOS device's photos have been uploaded to your Google Photos account, you're ready to delete them from your phone or tablet. You can either do this piecemeal through Apple's Photos app, or you can use a built-in Google Photos tool to do so all at once.

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To use Google Photos, open the app and tap the three-line menu icon on the top left portion of the screen. Select 'Free up space' from the menu. From there, Google Photos detects images and videos saved on your local device that have already been backed up by Google. You'll receive a notification asking to confirm the removal. Once you're ready, hit Remove.

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The only downside of removing these photos from your local device is that you will not be able to share or post them directly from apps like Messages, Mail or social media. However, you can do all of these directly through Google Photos: Open the app, Tap 'Photos', then select the item you wish to share. Tap the square sharing icon in the lower left hand corner and make your selection.

You can also download or delete individual items from your local device on at a time. After you select the image in question, tap the three-dot menu icon in the upper right corner. If the image is already on your device, you'll see a 'Delete from device' option. If it's not, you'll see 'Download' instead.

Using Google Photos to replace the iCloud Photo Library

How To Download Photos To Ipad

After you've uploaded your photo library to Google Photos and cleared up space on your device, you can either go back to using the built-in iOS photo library and tools, or you can use Google Photos to replace the iCloud Photo Library.

If you just want to do a one-time backup to Google Photos, then turn off the 'Back up & sync' function in Google Photos. Open the app on your device, then go the Menu > Settings > Back up & sync. You can always do another backup if you run into more storage issues.

If you leave 'Back up & sync' on, Google Photos automatically syncs photos from your camera roll to the cloud when you launch the app. In this way, it provides convenient cloud storage similar to the iCloud but with fewer constraints. Most notably, you'll never run out of storage, as long as you're uploading in high (rather than full) quality.


Other advantages? If you ever decide to switch to Android, it will be easy to access all of your photos on your new device. Also, Google Photos' automatic organization tools are arguably more accurate, and more fun to use, than those in Apple Photos.

Download Pictures From Google Drive

If you have Google Photos continually backing up and syncing, it's safe to turn off the iCloud Photo Library on your device (Settings > Photos & Camera > iCloud Photo Library). This frees up your iCloud for essentials like device backups, so you can keep using your beloved iPhone without being subject to Apple's stingy cloud policies.