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Pokemon Audio Ingles Hd Download Torrent

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Hd Video Download

Pokemon Gameboy Sound Collection

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Album name: Pokemon Gameboy Sound Collection
Number of Files: 197
Total Filesize: 118.18 MB
Date added: Nov 24th, 2006
Released on: Game Boy



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New! Download all songs at once: click to download
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Track Song Name MP3
101. opening 1:59 2.05 MB
102. palette town theme 1:18 1.20 MB
103. professor oak 0:49 0.75 MB
104. oak research lab 0:46 0.71 MB
105. rival appears 0:43 0.67 MB
106. the road to viridian city - from palette 1:00 0.94 MB
107. battle (vs wild pokemon) 1:30 1.50 MB
108. victory (vs wild pokemon) 0:37 0.57 MB
109. pewter city's theme 2:11 2.07 MB
110. pokemon center 1:14 1.13 MB
111. pokemon recovery 0:08 0.12 MB
112. viridian forest 1:53 2.10 MB
113. guidepost 0:38 0.66 MB
114. trainer appears (girl chapter) 0:25 0.39 MB
115. battle (vs trainer) 3:17 3.68 MB
116. victory (vs trainer) 0:31 0.50 MB
117. mt. moon cave 1:40 1.53 MB
118. the road to cerulean from mt. moon 1:29 1.49 MB
119. cerulean city's theme 1:17 1.17 MB
120. pokemon gym 1:15 1.17 MB
121. to bill's origin - from cerulean 0:52 0.86 MB
122. jigglypuff's song 0:11 0.17 MB
123. vermillion city's theme 1:03 1.04 MB
124. codename- st. anne 1:24 1.45 MB
125. the road to lavender town - from​vermillion 1:17 1.42 MB
126. pokemon whistle 0:15 0.23 MB
127. trainer appears (boy chapter) 0:30 0.50 MB
128. battle (vs gym leader) 2:00 2.51 MB
129. victory (vs gym leader) 0:57 0.93 MB
130. cycling 1:25 1.41 MB
131. lavender town's theme 1:49 1.93 MB
132. pokemon tower 2:21 2.18 MB
133. celadon city 1:17 1.21 MB
134. casino 1:30 1.45 MB
135. trainer appears (bad guy chapter) 0:28 0.43 MB
136. team rocket hideout 2:29 2.63 MB
137. sylph company 1:21 1.30 MB
138. ocean 1:30 1.50 MB
139. cinnabar islands' theme 0:59 1.00 MB
140. pokemon mansion 1:24 1.46 MB
141. evolution 0:35 0.60 MB
142. the final road 1:14 1.40 MB
143. last battle (vs rival) 2:30 2.32 MB
144. into the palace 1:04 1.01 MB
145. ending 1:46 1.77 MB
146. bulbasaur 0:19 0.33 MB
147. ivysaur 0:19 0.33 MB
148. venusaur 0:19 0.34 MB
149. charmander 0:20 0.36 MB
150. charmeleon 0:19 0.34 MB
151. charizard 0:20 0.36 MB
152. squirtle 0:19 0.33 MB
153. wartortle 0:20 0.35 MB
154. blastoise 0:20 0.36 MB
155. caterpie 0:19 0.34 MB
156. metapod 0:20 0.36 MB
157. butterfree 0:19 0.34 MB
158. weedle 0:20 0.36 MB
159. kakuna 0:19 0.34 MB
160. beedrill 0:20 0.36 MB
161. pidgey 0:18 0.33 MB
162. pidgeotto 0:19 0.35 MB
163. pidgeot 0:19 0.34 MB
164. rattata 0:18 0.32 MB
165. raticate 0:18 0.32 MB
166. spearow 0:19 0.34 MB
167. fearow 0:19 0.34 MB
168. ekans 0:19 0.33 MB
169. arbok 0:20 0.35 MB
170. pikachu 0:19 0.33 MB
171. raichu 0:19 0.34 MB
172. sandshrew 0:18 0.32 MB
173. sandslash 0:18 0.33 MB
174. nidoran 0:19 0.35 MB
175. nidorina 0:19 0.35 MB
176. nidoqueen 0:19 0.35 MB
177. nidoran 0:19 0.35 MB
178. nidorino 0:19 0.34 MB
179. nidoking 0:20 0.37 MB
180. clefairy 0:19 0.34 MB
181. clefable 0:18 0.33 MB
182. vulpix 0:20 0.35 MB
183. ninetails 0:20 0.35 MB
184. jigglypuff 0:18 0.32 MB
185. wigglypuff 0:18 0.33 MB
186. zubat 0:18 0.33 MB
187. golbat 0:19 0.34 MB
188. oddish 0:19 0.34 MB
189. gloom 0:19 0.34 MB
190. vileplume 0:19 0.34 MB
191. paras 0:19 0.35 MB
192. parasect 0:20 0.37 MB
193. venonat 0:19 0.34 MB
194. venomoth 0:19 0.34 MB
195. diglett 0:19 0.34 MB
196. dugtrio 0:19 0.34 MB
197. nyaasu 0:18 0.32 MB
198. persian 0:21 0.37 MB
201. psyduck 0:19 0.33 MB
202. golduck 0:20 0.36 MB
203. mankey 0:19 0.33 MB
204. primeape 0:19 0.33 MB
205. growlithe 0:19 0.33 MB
206. arcanine 0:19 0.34 MB
207. poliwag 0:19 0.34 MB
208. poliwhirl 0:19 0.34 MB
209. poliwrath 0:19 0.35 MB
210. abra 0:20 0.36 MB
211. kadabra 0:20 0.38 MB
212. alakazam 0:19 0.34 MB
213. machop 0:19 0.34 MB
214. machoke 0:19 0.34 MB
215. machamp 0:19 0.34 MB
216. bellsprout 0:18 0.33 MB
217. weepinbell 0:19 0.35 MB
218. victreebell 0:20 0.35 MB
219. tentacool 0:18 0.33 MB
220. tentacruel 0:21 0.38 MB
221. geodude 0:19 0.35 MB
222. graveler 0:19 0.34 MB
223. golem 0:20 0.35 MB
224. ponyta 0:19 0.34 MB
225. rapidash 0:20 0.37 MB
226. slowpoke 0:19 0.33 MB
227. slowbro 0:19 0.34 MB
228. magnemite 0:18 0.32 MB
229. magneton 0:19 0.34 MB
230. farfetch'd 0:18 0.32 MB
231. doduo 0:19 0.34 MB
232. dodrio 0:21 0.38 MB
233. seel 0:20 0.36 MB
234. dewgong 0:20 0.36 MB
235. grimer 0:19 0.35 MB
236. muk 0:19 0.34 MB
237. shellder 0:19 0.34 MB
238. cloyster 0:20 0.35 MB
239. ghastly 0:19 0.34 MB
240. haunter 0:19 0.34 MB
241. gengar 0:19 0.34 MB
242. onix 0:19 0.35 MB
243. drowzee 0:20 0.36 MB
244. hypno 0:21 0.37 MB
245. krabby 0:19 0.34 MB
246. kingler 0:19 0.34 MB
247. voltorb 0:19 0.34 MB
248. electrode 0:21 0.37 MB
249. exeggcute 0:20 0.36 MB
250. exeggutor 0:22 0.39 MB
251. cubone 0:20 0.35 MB
252. marowak 0:21 0.38 MB
253. hitmonlee 0:21 0.38 MB
254. hitmonchan 0:20 0.36 MB
255. lickitung 0:21 0.37 MB
256. koffing 0:20 0.36 MB
257. weezing 0:20 0.35 MB
258. rhyhorn 0:20 0.37 MB
259. rhydon 0:21 0.38 MB
260. chansey 0:20 0.37 MB
261. tangela 0:20 0.36 MB
262. kangaskhan 0:19 0.35 MB
263. horsea 0:21 0.37 MB
264. seadra 0:19 0.33 MB
265. goldeen 0:20 0.36 MB
266. sea king 0:20 0.36 MB
267. staryu 0:19 0.34 MB
268. starmie 0:19 0.35 MB
269. mr. mime 0:20 0.36 MB
270. scyther 0:20 0.37 MB
271. jynx 0:22 0.39 MB
272. electabuzz 0:19 0.35 MB
273. magmar 0:21 0.38 MB
274. pinsir 0:20 0.36 MB
275. tauros 0:20 0.36 MB
276. magikarp 0:20 0.35 MB
277. gyarados 0:20 0.37 MB
278. lapras 0:20 0.37 MB
279. ditto 0:18 0.33 MB
280. eevee 0:18 0.33 MB
281. vaporeaon 0:20 0.37 MB
282. jolteon 0:21 0.38 MB
283. flareon 0:21 0.38 MB
284. porygon 0:20 0.36 MB
285. omanyte 0:19 0.35 MB
286. omastar 0:21 0.39 MB
287. kabuto 0:19 0.35 MB
288. kabutops 0:20 0.37 MB
289. aerodactyl 0:20 0.37 MB
290. snorlax 0:21 0.38 MB
291. articuno 0:20 0.37 MB
292. zapdos 0:20 0.37 MB
293. moltres 0:20 0.36 MB
294. dratini 0:19 0.34 MB
295. dragonair 0:21 0.38 MB
296. dragonite 0:20 0.36 MB
297. mewto 0:21 0.38 MB
298. mew 0:24 0.38 MB
299. sound effect collection 7:38 8.15 MB
Total: 1h 53m 118 MB


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Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Wow, this was awesome. Exactly like the sounds were on the game.listening to this brought back memories of playing.I salute whoever made this soundtrack!

Submitted by w4nd14
Rating: 10/10
Loved it. I give this soundtrack a 10/10 for it. I expect greater things from this site! Where can i get the original songs from the first pokemon season?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
This brings back so many memories! I took Pallet Town (the music is addicting). Thank you for sharing!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Dawn:I call out my Empoleon!(Empoleon is sent out, we hear Empoleon noise)
Paul:Oh yeah? Torterra, Go!(Torterra is sent out, we still hear Torterra noise)
Dawn:Empoleon, do a Fury Attack!(Empoleon used Fury Attack)
Paul:Torterra, Crunch now!(Torterra used Crunch)
Dawn:Quickly! Empoleon, drop a glass shoe with your Aqua Jet!(Empoleon used Aqua Jet)
Paul:Don't let her drop the glass slippers, Torterra. dodge and counter with Leaf Storm!(Torterra used Leaf Storm)
Dawn:Now! Empoleon, slap him across the face with another big floppy Drill Peck!(Empoleon used Drill Peck, Torterra fainted)
Paul:Oh no, Torterra! you're injured by his Drill Peck! Torterra, return!
Dawn:This is it, Empoleon! use your Hydro Pump now!(Empoleon is using Hydro Pump)
Paul:Wait a sec. I don't have a Pokémon.(Empoleon used Hydro Pump at Paul) eww, gross. I got Empoleon Hydro Pump all over my face.
Dawn:Empoleon, Finish him of with your Aqua Jet!
Paul:No. holy smokes. stop this, right now. you're sick, Dawn. I'm outta here.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
excellent!!! just like i remembered them. yellow version was the first pokemon game i played and i was eventually hooked to its infectious soundtrack.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
I thought it was great, but I would definetely let the sounds play without a download somehow. I can help you by going to this site.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
It's a privilege to be able to listen to these remarkable tracks (at least to me XD) outside a game boy!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Listening to this reminded me of when I used to sit around my house (sometimes upside-down on my couch) and play on my GameBoy while hearing all these awesome songs. This gets a 10 from me - it's quite a perfect flashback.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
two sounds i was looking for are not here.. the ones where you find an item. there are 2 different ones. like 'you found tm 15!' or where you walk up to a tree stump and find a max ether or something.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Ah.. this brought back so many memories! I have to do a skit for my class and we're basing it off Pokemon a bit. Now, I'm tempted to play Yellow Version again.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
This album is great i have a copy of pokemon blue so when i compared the tunes they sounded the same if not slightly more echoey on the computer, but thats ok still love it.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
It's only missing the simple sound effects like bumping, the store entrance, the saving theme, etc.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Couldn't find the Elite Four sounds, but aside from that, awesome!

Submitted by shinturu
Rating: 10/10
Amazing you could do this for us we love you!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
The links only lead to plain white pages with text, I can't get it sent to my phone! D:

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I'm in tears. Just loved it..

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Brilliant, could of done with a couple of misc ones but still perfect

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
So so awesome.. The RBY/FRLG games were the best! Nostalgic!!!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
dude u are a boss i love these melodies

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
OMG thank you for the uploads. its really nice to hear them again.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
^Lol why would someone listen to bumping?
Really good collection, keep it up!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Epic site, I liked it very much! It's nice, I've found all sounds I wanted, not only from pokémon, but also Diablo and Castlevania.si te is on fav now! =)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Brought back memories from over 10 years ago. Wow it made me just sit in front of my computer and reminiscing old times. Thank you alot!!!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Was playing yellow emulator, needed the battle music. gonna play this when people i dont like get close. yeah, it'll be fun. haters gonna hate.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Epic! Exactly what I was after!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Did anyone know if lavander town sound is the original sound that causes headache or something like that?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
Nice stuff but it would be nice I would prefer not to have all the move animation sfx compiled into one file.
..Sti ll this site is great!!!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Almost every soundtrack perfectly recovered! I used them in a game I'm making! Just wish we had the Elite Four sounds.

Submitted by kdj0692
Rating: 10/10
Thank you so very much! i wanted this pokemon music~!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
it bring back so many memories from my childhood.! so thumbs up for the creator of this soundtracks. :)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
This would be good if the pokemon cries were just the cries. But they're not. I'm sure the rest is fine but.. it's useless for me.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
i was wondering if any of you guys have an mp3 tone of pikachu's cry when it faints in the yellow version?
if you'd be so kind to send pls send to
senel3100@y ahoo.com. thanks

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Very nice.. I just love this site. I can get anything I want. And even the Pokemon sounds I played many years ago. Cool!!! Thanks for site creators.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Perfect! The cycling and pallet town tone was what i was looking for. Thanks so much!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Rival battle made into a ringtone! You sir or mam that made this rocks.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Love this *w* so got the pokemon recovery.mp3 for my cells message alert lol

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
i can't believe someone went to all the effort to get this i remember playing the game on my gba (i never owend a game boy) and riding the bike

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Absolutely amazing! been looking for something like this for a long time now and i'm so glad i was able to find this site. Thanks:)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I was looking everywhere for the pokemon background until i found this. it really helped. whenever im walking to school im gunna play the route music

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
U are Rock..!
Thank 's 4 ev'ryone or ev'rybody or admin who has shared or uploaded this OST.
I like (The Road To Viridian City - From Palette) So much.
This sound so beautiful, same like brought me to flashback when I was playing this game.
once again, Thank's Bro..
Two Thumbs 4 U :-bd

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
Why the reverb? It'd be great if there was a straight rip of the sounds.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Been thinking of getting done of these songs for a looooong time. Simply just so fantastic!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Too much awesomeness! It is always nice to listen to those sounds again, childhood memories.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
I was rather disappointed by this. I had hoped that it was the 'Sound Effect Collection' Pulled apart and separately labelled. I guess I'll have to do the deed myself.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Wow I love pokemon songs they sound awesome I especially like lavender town and the pokémon tower but I couldnt find the ss anne theme which is my favorite

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Pokemon is the best game evar its even better than minecraft no offense you minecraft fans out there but the pokemon mod is great

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I Love it.! LOVE it! (>w

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
I Remember Having This Game In 2010 When I Was Like 9 Or 10 Didn't Know How To Play But Did Remember The Music But Now!!! I Know How To Play And I Wish I Had It Now :c
-JudeSp ence14

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
You did a great job and I think it is the original lavender town track cuz now i hav headache from listening to it

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
This is nothing like the game!!! They sound nothing like what it should sound like! If there was a 0 rating I would give it that!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
Pokemon sucks, where's the CoD sound effects instead of this garbage, huh? Tell me? If I don't get a CoD sound effect album, I'll call the police on you!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
tHIS SITE IS GREAT!!! I searched long for pokemon sounds. now i found they!!! GREAT!! COOL!!! AWESOME!!!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Awesome! This is really well done and it brings back so many memories. The only thing I would say is while the subtle reverb is nice, it makes things a little muddy when working with the samples in a program.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
When i got lavender town music it was just
N ot 'ert! Bung! Bee! Bock! ert! Bung etc:'

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
Good rips, but I don't really like the reverb that was added. Would have preferred to hear the original unadulterated music

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
ahhhh this is awesome. He will probably never see this, but can you find the music for Monster Rancher (on the Gameboy) ? That would be great!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Perfecto!!!! y hasta con los sonidos de los pokemons y todo :) 10/10

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Brilliant! Thanks to whoever made this. Needed sounds from presentation!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Really really cool. Hope i can play again this weird nerd cool awesome whatsoever game. I miss this.!!
Adam by the way

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Wow amazing! I knew I could trust you!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
I don't care what you say lavender town is the best song on here! Good for creeping out people on my nightly kidnappings. I've said to much.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Couldn't find the Elite Four sounds

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 5/10
How about the pokedex entries in English??

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 8/10
Nice been looking for pokemon sounds :)

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 7/10
OK best I have seen in a long time but I downloaded it and it wasn't able to play

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 6/10
Its a good compilation of the musical audio files, and pokémon 'cries'.. but where are the ibdividual files of things like the pokeball throw, caught pokemon click, pokemom escaped from pokeball, pokemon ran away etc.? The files i really need to find are those as im doing a video edit to paroda Pokémon Go using a video i took of a great tit taking a mud bath..
'A wild Magitit appeared!! It used Mudbath..it had no effect! (Throws pokeball, 1 click, 2 click.) Magitit breaks free.. It ran away..'

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
thanks so much!!! brought back all the best memories!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
I can't find Treecko I spent an hour looking through this and there is no treecko does anyone know where I can find it?

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
Okay, I love how you were true to the classic Red/Blue/Green/ Yellow games (and yes, there was a Green version), but there were two oddball things. First, the Pokemon SFX was followed by what I think is a Japanese description of said Pokemon. And I don't understand Japanese. But that doesn't detract points, no-one probably expected it. And second the Sound Effect Compilation was something COMPLETELY unexpected. I was thinking it would be all the SFX seperately, but it was made into some sort of soundtrack! Seriously weird, but it doesn't detract points either. Because it was actually really AWESOME! So this gets a full 10/10 rating!

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 9/10
Hello nostalgic ringtones.
A few sounds I more sounds I wish were here though.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 1/10
I has a random guy talking. I only wanted the cries.

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 10/10
These are going to be ringtones, notification sounds etc.
Quite funny when friends recognize them

Submitted by Guest
Rating: 6/10
I enjoyed hearing the music but there was a problem I was gonna download one of the criestate but it goes into a Japanese info